Subject: ADDON: Netscape "Live" MIDI P... Author: Arnaud Masson ( Uploaded By: CJ DaveAx Date: 12/22/1996 File: MidiPluginPPC 1.5a1.sit (79092 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 1393 Equipment: Any PPC Needs: Netscape 3.x; QuickTime 2.0 Keywords: NETSCAPE PLUGIN MIDI KARAOKE TYPE: Freeware Netscape Plugin NOTE: This does NOT replace version 1.4.1b -- this is a PPC-only version LIBRARY: IC/Helper Apps MIME TYPES SUPPORTED: audio/midi, audio/x-midi, x-music/x-midi, application/x-midi, audio/x-mid; all with files w/extensions of ".mid" and ".kar". IC STAFF NOTE: This file is free to owners of Arnolds MIDI Player, available in the MMS library -------------------------------------------------------- KEYWORDS: NETSCAPE PLUGIN MIDI KARAOKE Author's Description: MIDIPlugin is a Plug-in for Netscape Navigator. It is similar to the author's version 1.4, but utilizes the new Netscape "Live Connect" technology, and can only be used on a PowerPC. This release also handles stereo sound. It allows you to play MIDI files inside Netscape, without launching an external helper application. It needs at least a Mac LC with MacOS 7.1 + QuickTime 2. See ReadMe file for details of new features, including Karaoke on the Web, file parsing, and support for a wider variety of MIDI MIME types! ----------------------------------------------------------- Internet Connection File Libraries. Keyword: NET SOFTWARE This file has been checked for viruses. DMA